STEAM Overview

Our STEAM Framework

STEAM代表科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学. In grades PreK-12th our students participate in STEAM.

We believe STEAM (science, technology, engineering, 艺术(数学)和设计思维非常重要, 这就是为什么我们把它作为我们所有年级的一部分. Our school integrates hands-on learning into our curriculum, like: robotics, coding, makerspace, gardens, and much more!

LG Makerspace

我们最近被《网投十大信誉平台》评为5000强STEM高中 learn more. LM is in the top 10% for U.S. 因为我们创新的STEM课程和机会, 感谢我们优秀的老师,他们帮助学生在大学里脱颖而出, career and life.

STEAM代表了教育向综合教学和科学应用的转变, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. Rather than teaching these as isolated subject areas, 兰开斯特门诺会有意为所有年级创造适合年龄的STEAM机会. 我们相信STEAM和设计思维非常重要, 这就是为什么每个LM学生都参加STEAM教育的原因. 

What is the same at every grade level is:

  • The Design Process -这让学生通过头脑风暴的步骤, prototyping, testing, 并重新设计,以创建旨在解决现实世界问题的项目.
  • Strengthening 21st century skills – LM’s STEAM curriculum emphasizes communication, collaboration, creativity, 以及批判性思维,让学生为未来职场的成功做好准备.
  • Multi-Discipline Approach -虽然数学或科学课有指定的时间, 我们的老师将学科之间的主题整合为跨学科和应用方法.
  • Faith Integration – As with all our courses, 我们的老师将信仰融入他们课程的核心,鼓励学生运用上帝赋予他们的创造力和解决问题的能力,找到创造更美好世界的方法.

Elementary Level

In addition to their courses in science, math, art, and music, elementary students also participate in Makerspace. LM的创客空间是一个学生可以聚集在一起分享想法和知识的地方,因为他们在项目上工作, especially projects related to technology.

Makerspace Content

Trimester 1 – Engineering Challenges: 用各种材料进行建筑,探索科学和数学中的概念.

  • K-2 Grade: Brooke Brown Lessons
  • 3rd Grade: Simple Machines
  • 4th Grade: Forces (Tension, Thrust)

Trimester 2 – Project-Based Learning (PBL): 学生通过回答一个真实的、开放式的问题来学习. 小学教师在年级小组中工作,根据学生的输入来开发这些问题.

Trimester 3 – High Tech Experiences: Coding, robotics, and electronics

Middle School

Our Middle School teachers integrate science, technology, engineering, 艺术和数学的跨学科和应用方法贯穿整个中学课程. Students learn both core content areas as well as work across disciplines to apply their learning. 

In Middle School, 每个季度学生都要回答一个需要创造性的现实世界解决方案的驱动问题. 鼓励学生通过调查来获取知识和技能, integration, 与其他学生就项目进行综合和合作. 老师们也将同样的设计思维和以设计为导向的项目贯穿全年融入到他们的核心科目中.

我们的中学有一个大型的设计实验室,供学生合作和项目,以及最先进的设备,如激光切割机, CNC routers, 3D printers, and power tools. 这为网投十大信誉平台提供了许多高科技职业所需的动手技能.  

Example Projects

Project #1: How do we build community at LM? 

学生们组成团队,开发一个包含至少一个内容领域概念的复杂游戏. 学生们通过玩游戏来了解彼此,并寻找游戏的共同点和特定特征,从而开始了跨学科单元. 然后,他们在设计课上学习了博弈论,并为语言艺术课程的项目评估创造了自己的评判标准. From there they worked in teams to create, test, 并根据第一季度的内容学习完善自己的游戏. 本单元帮助学生理解制作复杂的游戏需要计划和修改, that collaboration requires very defined roles, that a rubric can be used to identify goals and objectives, 并且应用课堂上学到的概念显示了真正的理解. 他们也逐渐认识到明确的指示是多么重要! 


学生们为正在进行的开发设计了一个提案,通过创建一个提交给 Lancaster County Planning 2040. 本单元从兰开斯特县规划委员会的访问开始,了解土地规划是如何工作的,他们有什么优先事项. 然后,学生们分析了他们自己的“社区”,以了解空间是如何使用的,以及有什么需求. 他们还指出了为了未来的可持续性必须解决的问题. 学生们与合作伙伴一起为他们所确定的社区制定自己的计划, which they presented in poster format. This unit helped students to understand how to take care of places that are important to them; how to connect people, places and opportunities; and how to create a great place to live

High School

LM为希望获得内容知识的高中生提供各种STEAM课程, strengthen 21st century skills, 并获得在未来工作场所取得成功所需的工具. LM在课程中提供设计思维框架和必要的技能,使学生准备好解决问题, collaborate, 在为事业成功做准备时进行批判性思考.此外,LM还提供课外俱乐部、体育和比赛.

Classes Include:

  • AP Biology
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP Computer Science A
  • AP Physics C: Mechanics
  • AP Statistics
  • Wildlife and Fisheries Science
  • Robotics
  • Power Technology Small Engines
  • Music – Ensembles in choir, band and orchestra
  • Art – Painting, Drawing, Photography, and Sculpture
  • Culinary Arts
  • And many more…

LM Offers 28 AP & 荣誉课程,以及所有AP科学和数学课程!


  • Tech Crew
  • Math Club
  • Quiz Bowl Team
  • Art Club
  • Chess
  • Green Team
  • Silhouette (Literary Art Magazine)
  • Yearbook
  • FFA Club
  • FFA regional and state competitions
  • Brain Busters
  • PA Math League