
We are in the process of updating our phone systems to allow for our new High School, Middle School, and Elementary Offices at the unified LM campus for the 2022-23 school year. You can call into the main office line number to be directed to whom you are looking for. Hang tight, we hope to have this all resolved soon, thanks for your patience!


"*" आवश्यक फ़ील्ड इंगित करता है

Contact Information

Misc Contacts

ईमेल फ़ोन
Box Office boxoffice@ sym-biosis.net 717-740-2456

Superintendent's Office

Position नाम ईमेल फ़ोन
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Accounts Payable Diane Gehman gehmande@ sym-biosis.net (717) 740-2433
भवन-अधीक्षक Dr. Michael Badriaki badriakimi@ sym-biosis.net (717) 740-2422

व्यापार कार्यालय

Position नाम ईमेल फ़ोन
मुख्य वित्तीय अधिकारी Lorri Hengst hengstlk@ sym-biosis.net (717) 740-2434
Bookkeeper कैरी श्रेव shreveca@ sym-biosis.net (717) 740-2431

Admissions Office

Position नाम ईमेल फ़ोन
नामांकन निदेशक क्रिस्टी होर्स्ट horstcl@ sym-biosis.net (717) 740-2428

Advancement Office

Position नाम ईमेल फ़ोन
Director of Donor Guidance and Development Kate Grieser grieserke@ sym-biosis.net 717-740-2425,  ext. 1022
Development Associate Bekah थ्रश thrushrq@ sym-biosis.net 717-740-2460
Development Associate लुइस डी. टोरेस torresld@ sym-biosis.net 717-740-2426

For additional contact information, please visit our Faculty & Staff page – click here.